XV Nordic Labour History Conference – Det åbne program
Dato - 26/01/2022
KL: 17:00 - 21:30
Sted: Hovedstaden
Arrangør: Arbejdermuseet og SFAH
Global ulighed, klimakrise og sygeplejerske-aktivisme!
Fra 26-30. januar 2022 samles forskere i arbejderhistorie og faglige aktivister på Arbejdermuseet i København til den XV Nordic Labour History Conference – og onsdagens program er åbent for alle med foredrag, rundbordssamtale og filmvisning.
Hvornår: 26. januar kl. 17:00-21:30.
Hvad koster det: alm. entré (90 kr.)
Kl. 17.00-19.00: Centennials as Battleground of Historical Memory – the International Labour Organization 1919-2019.
Professor Eileen Boris fra University of California, Santa Barbara holder med afsæt i ILO’s 100-års jubilæum foredrag om historiske jubilæer som politiske kamppladser. Foredraget vil blive efterfulgt af en rundbordsdebat om ILO, arbejdstagerrettigheder og historiebrug med deltagelse af danske faglige og politiske profiler.
19.15-21.30: Åbning af Nordic Labour Film Festival. Introduktion ved NLFF-organisator Talat Bhatt om ’labour films as labour education’ og filmforevisning af ”The Dirty War on the NHS” (britisk dokumentar fra 2019) samt oplæg ved dansk sygeplejerske-aktivist om faglige kampe i den danske sundhedssektor.
Læs mere: https://www.arbejdermuseet.dk/…/nordic-labour-history…/
På grund af Covid-19-restriktionerne er der begrænsninger på, hvor mange der må være til stede på Arbejdermuseet ad gangen, derfor er det først til mølle, og hvis der er fyldt op, kan du blive bedt om at vente
Mange fagforeninger har gratis adgang til Arbejdermuseet til deres medlemmer.
Er din fagforening med i aftalen har du gratis adgang til arrangementet.
Se om din fagforening er på listen: https://www.arbejdermuseet.dk/…/aabnings…/gratis-adgang/).
From January 26-30, 2022, labour history researchers and labour activists will gather at Arbejdermuseet (The Workers’ Museum) in Copenhagen for the XV Nordic Labour History Conference – and the program on Wednesday 26 January is open for the public.
It will be a day of keynote lecture, roundtable and film screening. See the details below. The entrance fee is the normal fee for visiting Arbejdermuseet (many unions have free access for their members, check if your union is on the list: https://www.arbejdermuseet.dk/…/aabnings…/gratis-adgang/). Due to the covid19 restrictions, a limited number of people at a time can be admitted to the museum, so it’s first come, first serve, and if the venue is full, you may be asked to wait.
See the full conference program on www.nordiclabourhistory.org (it’s still possible to join the full hybrid conference as online participant)
17.00-19.00: Keynote lecture with Prof. Eileen Boris: Centennials as Battleground of Historical Memory – the International Labour Organization 1919-2019 (Online).
Roundtable: Jakob Bang, director of collective bargaining, FOA (Union of Public Employees), Jørgen Assens, former head of programs, Danish Trade Union Development Agency, Jens Bundvad, former general secretary of Nordic-IN and international secretary, CO-Industri (The Central Organisation of Industrial Employees in Denmark), Henrik Berlau, former collective bargaining secretary, 3F and chairman of the Danish Seamen’s Union, Jørgen Estrup, former chairman of the Danish United Nation Association and chief economist, UNIDO. Moderator: Irene Odgaard, historian and former consultant, SiD/3F (United Federation of Workers in Denmark).
The event is supported by Hermod Lannungs Fond.
19.15-21.30: Nordic Labour Film Festival Opening. Introduktion by NLFF-organizer Talat Bhatt on labour films as labour education and screening of ”The Dirty War on the NHS” (UK documentary, 2019) with introduction by activist from the nurses strike around Denmark, who will relate to the recent struggles in the Danish health care sector.
The festival is supported by 3F’s Medie- og Kulturfond.